Apiary Identification Sample Apiary Physical Address Sample Side #1 Side #2 Side #3 Pollinators Honey bee on Elderberry Honeybee on Dandelion Honeybee on Pussy Willow Native bee on Sea Holly 2 Native bees on Sea Holly 6 natural pollinators Green bee Bee with Hairy Front Legs Making Bees Wax Hardened wax 2021 Melted Wax 2021 Wax pour Wax pour Wax pour Wax pour Wax pour Wax finished 2021 Wax finished 2021 Wax finished 2021 Wax finished Preparing Drone Boards for the Birds Frozen drone comb loaded with larvae Sizing up larvae pieces Perfect! Fitting larvae to box FInished boxed larvae Saving drone cells scraps for later Chickadee on larvae 2021 Bee Boxes Here are some of the PBBA members with their bee boxes donated by Anne Guevremont (Asst. to COO/CFO Kheops International Inc.) and built by Jordan Kennett and staff members. Each year in celebration of Earth Day – Kheops International have a project that is related and this year it happened to be bee boxes to help out native pollinators. They also did other projects such as cleaning downtown Colebrook, cleaning the grounds here and so on.The PBBA Executive Board and members of the club would like to thank you for the bee box donation. We were very happy to be chosen for this donation of 25 boxes and all are anxious to set them up to help the native pollinators! 2019 July 4th Parade