The Pemi-Baker Beekeepers Association is closely following the CDC and the State of New Hampshire's COVID-19 guidelines as it plans workshops and meetings.

Archives: Events

American Foulbrood Outbreak in Massachusetts Sit n’Sip meeting

Zoom Online

American Foulbrood Outbreak in Massachusetts Sit n'Sip meeting: Friday March 31 at 7PM via zoom: Our NH Apiary Inspector Dave Priebe will give a talk about the American Foulbrood (AFB) outbreak in Massachusetts.  This is a meeting not to be missed as every beekeeper should know what to do to be proactive to avoid this terrible disease. […]

Monthly Meeting April

American Legion Hall and Zoom

Pemi-Baker Beekeepers Association Monthly Meeting at the American Legion Hall in Ashland and Zoom. April 11, 2023 Meeting Agenda

Theme: Elation by Kaira.